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Hun skal leve / Knock Knock / Three Days reviewed in Jyllands-Posten ★★★★★★ six out of six stars

April 8, 2020

Hun skal leve / Knock Knock / Three Days reviewed in Jyllands-Posten ★★★★★★ six out of six stars

“Roslund knows how to write a breathtaking and terrific story, this one placing itself in between “Nordic Noir” and political thriller. It also succeeds in presenting fascinating character portraits, in particular that of the harsh police officer, who has decided to spend the rest of his time in Swedish family idyll, and of the lonely investigator who lost his beloved many years back and now dreadfully awaits retirement in half a year, which will claim his whole identity away from him. Hun skal leve / Knock Knock / Three Days is one of the best crime novels this reviewer has read in a very long time.”